
November Book Drop

Lo, friends! Tis almost the end of the year. I almost cannot believe it. I have two more of these reviews to go before we are into 2022. Next month I will do a Top Ten List in addition to the normal review. As of the time of this entry, I am 120 books into the year. Hopefully I can keep up this pace next year too! I managed 12 books this month to make up for the last couple of months of slacking ;-)

God Emperor of Dune

By: Frank Herbert

I still love this book. I’ve read through the series five times and I still love this book. I am more critical of it than ever and I still love it. Its dense. Leto can be pompous. The Duncans can be obtuse. Nonetheless, the philosophical through-line is very clear and rings true even after so many years. It is an odd masterpiece. It sticks out like a sore thumb in the series as a whole, but it’s really great. Related aside: I run a Dune Stan account on Instagram. I’m the OG Dune Quotes page on Insta since 2016. If you want to cheat and get some quote samplage, check it out. If you like what you see there, you’ll like the books.

The Golden Goblet

By: Eloise Jarvis McGraw

This was a mom-and-me read. It took a little while for Vor to get into it. I had to stop and give context quite a lot in the beginning. The first two thirds of the book were rather slow. There was a lot of repetition and a lot of setup for the ultimate resolution. However, the resolution felt very rushed and lacking in detail especially when compared to the rest of the book. I think it was worth a read but I’m glad we did it on our own terms. I think if I were one of the many kids that are forced to read this in school I would have resented the hell out of the ending and pacing.

Falling Free

By: Lois McMaster Bujold

I really enjoy this woman’s writing. It is fast-paced and funny. It is clever and imaginative. She does characterization really well, too. I randomly read the 5th book in this series first because its called The Vor Game, so duh, had to. I thought I would circle back eventually. I invited Matt to start reading the series with me and he cosigns on all of the above. This series does not ask as much of you philosophically as Dune. It does not hold your heart in its hand like Red Rising. It does not get into the mathematics of things like The Three Body Problem. But its unique with fun characters who are not your typical heroes. Highly enjoyable. Caveat: this book doesn’t fit into the series in a neat and tidy way. I am still waiting to see when it does. Supposedly it does…I guess we’ll see.

A Little History of Economics

By: Niall Kishtainy

This was everything I hoped it would be. It was informative and not boring. The narration was great and for a subject-matter book was perfectly easy to follow in audio format. My take-away is that I think we need a new theory of economics that takes into account people’s (individual and societal) time and the quality of their environment to calculate a true economic status. I was also reinforced in my belief that most economists, while probably well-meaning can really fuck off with this pseudo-science bullshit. If you’re going to make shit up, maybe try looking beyond the material. I wanted an overview and an interesting read to compliment some of the heavier reading I’ve done on the subject such as Road to Serfdom. For that, this book was wonderful. Nothing against the book, I just think most of this field of research is so terribly subjective that it’s absurd.

Five Children and It

By: E. Nesbitt

For Victorian-era children’s literature this was quite good. Compared to more contemporary authors, not so much. But giving credit where credit is due, this is a very imaginative and fun story that Vor was able to follow and enjoy despite the more antiquated language-structure. Taking a moment for broader reflection, I think it’s interesting how language has changed and how it requires a concerted effort on the part of younger readers to invest into classic literature. I’m thinking to myself as we are listening: “Vor doesn’t know wtf thou means.” We have run into this language disconnect several times now. The first time was with Beatrix Potter but I thought the content of those books was weird and have passed on the rest of her repertoire. Vor and I both enjoyed The Secret Garden, The Wizard of Oz, The Princess and the Goblins, and to some extent The Golden Goblet - all of which are written in a more formal, dated version of English. FCandIt was above the threshold of enjoyment as well. As a parent, be ready to patiently explain if you’re reading this with a kiddo.

Shards of Honor

By: Lois McMaster Bujold

Another fun read by Bujold. I loved getting to know the world through this love story. Love story? Yes. But not sappy, stupid shit. In this context the love story is a fun narrative device and ultimately is just a background thread tying the other events of the book together. As mentioned above, if you are expecting any continuity between Falling Free and SOH, you will be frustrated. Consider the context of FF as informative of the larger galactic context in SOH and leave it at that. Cordelia, Arol, Bothari, etc are all interesting characters unto themselves and interact in a way that left me feeling that the psychology of the characters was consistently considered when placing them in inter-relational situations. Well done.

The Practicing Stoic

By: Ward Farnsworth

I liked the book more as it progressed but, overall, would be curious to see if there is a better overview of Stoicism out there.

The good:

The Stoic principles are great. So, if you are a true beginner to the subject, you’ll probably get a lot out of this.

The organizational structure is really well done for what Farnsworth is attempting. The practicality and nuance of the subject-matter blooms the longer your keep reading but could indeed be taken piece-meal if one so chose.

The bad:

The organizational structure. This is a very personal preference, but I would have liked to experience the propositions in context. I would not have known that ahead of time, though.

TPS was not at all a bad book. You might like it way more than me. It didn’t light me up and ultimately, I have been a practicing Stoic for many years due to my personal integration/amalgamation of many spiritual practices. So at the end of the day, I wasn’t blown away with the book or topic but that doesn’t mean you won’t be.


By: Isaac Asimov

Better the second time around. I listened to this book about 3 years ago. My take away then was: men talking stressfully at each other. Now, everyone is going batshit about the series on iTune. Since the positive reception of the show and my take-away didn’t fully line up, I was starting to think I was losing my edge or perhaps that my listening skills were not fully developed at the time I initially read the book. But, no. I was right. This book is like 90% dialog. The difference in my reception this time is in the knowing. I was familiar with the ideas the book was attempting to convey and that was helpful. Secondarily, I am way more familiar with early Sci-Fi as a genre and its nuances and short-comings. See more on that below. All in all, I liked the ideas much better this time because I wasn’t waiting for there to be action and could just sink my teeth into the dialog. Spoiler alert - there is no action. If you want a version of the story with action, definitely just watch it.


By Django Wexler

Well, shit. This was a good story. It was a middle-grade story but it was good enough to have me fully invested after about the 3rd chapter. Middle-grade books are really doing it for both Vor and me lately. They are dramatic enough with ample action and suspense to keep me invested while being just predictable enough that I’m not worried about sex and gore and major psychological trauma for Vor. For Vor they also hit a sweet spot. He’s not a baby so kid’s books are often too babyish for him but on the flip side, when it comes to hard copies, he could not actually read read these books yet. But that doesn’t mean he is not ready for the content. He is. So audiobooks work well for him to engage with stories that are at his maturity level if not his “reading” level. I’m really excited for him to gain mastery of reading text so he can start to choose books on his own from the library at school. In the mean time, he continues to surprise me with insightful and penetrating questions for books on this level that show me he is, very much, paying attention to relatively complex narrative structure and drama despite the medium. I hope we get more from this author in this dimension asap.


By Lois McMaster Bujold

I am pretty well won over at this point and am a full-fledged fan of Bujold’s writing. The first half of this book is a little slower. The second half is a full court press. If you have read any of her other books, Barryar holds true to her witty/sardonic, character-forward approach. Cordelia and Bothari shine and the set-up for Miles to enter the scene is perfect. Highest Barryaran marks!

The Unfettered Mind

By: Takuan Soho

Not suspending disbelief or applying a critical mind - kinda stodgy. The metaphors were poetic but rigid. This was a very restrained work. Now, if we apply some perspective to the content, that same observation turns from critique to praise. I think restrained would be a compliment for the intersection of Zen and Swordsmanship! It’s a beautiful work and the narrator has a buttery baritone voice that is naturally suited for this gorgeously formal writing style. The question of whether or not you will like this book is likely going to boil down to whether or not you have enough historical basis to place the piece culturally. And, from there, whether you have an interest in Zen or Swordsmanship.

The Einstein Intersection

By: Samuel R. Delany

Good vintage Sci-Fi. To me, that means it was kinda weird, a little obscure, had enough detail to give you a sense of what was going on but left quite a bit up to the imagination. I wouldn’t want the same from more modern works. I’m learning to take the early stuff as a sub-genre and appreciate them in that context. This is probably one of my reading take-aways for 2021 as a whole.

August Book Drop

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Stella Batts: None of Your Beeswax

By: Courtney Sheinmel

These are honestly great kids books. This particular installment doesn’t break from the mold. The main character, Stella is spunky and fun without feeling annoying for an adult to follow. Book 7 deals with themes of keeping secrets, group projects and friend dynamics. Worthwhile.

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The Rise of Endymion

By: Dan Simmons

This is a beautiful book. There is some really powerful discourse about the nature of the universe and love that rivals my favorite passages from God Emperor of Dune. I was very impressed with this series and put it up there in my top 5 Sci-Fi of all time. Dan Simmons’ world-building is damn near unparalleled. The sheer imagination required to contrive of both creatures and “land”scapes of the magnitude covered in this book is staggering. If you love Dune you will definitely enjoy this series. But to all who venture forth into this territory; do not judge this series by the first book. I greatly enjoyed Hyperion but this is a quad of books that most certainly should be taken as a whole.

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Direct Descent

By: Frank Herbert

Well this was interesting. I didn’t enjoy this book very much. I will use this as an opportunity to share with you some encouraging thoughts. I have now read extensively in Frank Herbert’s non-Dune work. I have found it absolutely shocking that he is the author of Dune and the other stuff. Works like Direct Descent feel adolescent. They feel unrealized. Dune, is of course, a magnum opus.

Foreshadowing of Dune is present in many of the books Herbert wrote before Dune. Direct Descent is no exception. The reason I want to share is because I write. If you’re on my blog maybe you do, too. I think its important to know that your first book, your first short story, maybe even your 50th maybe won’t be that great. But that doesn't mean you don’t have a masterpiece inside of your mind. That goes for any artistic endeavor. Keep putting in the work.

I didn’t love this book as far as the story or the writing go. But I’m grateful it exists. Its an inspiration in a completely different way than the most beloved of Herbert’s books and it serves a purpose in the grand scheme of things. Thematically, that sentiment ties perfectly into the story so I’ll leave you right there.

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Stella Batts: Superstar

By: Courtney Sheinmel

Ok, as an older sister. I felt this. I think that’s the genius of Courtney Sheinmel - she really nails the experience of being a kid. Themes in this book are not getting what you think you want, being envious of someone else’s experience and a little insight into acting. This was fun for me to read with Vor because it talks about the BTS aspect of film-making and I felt cool because I could verify first-hand what Sheinmel was writing about.

This is the last of Stella on Audible so I won’t be writing any more Stella reviews for the foreseeable future. I’m ok with that but want to underscore that this is a great children’s book series and I think your younger kids will more than likely enjoy it. Happily recommended for younger readers.

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By: Ashley Poston

I honestly don’t know wtf I was thinking picking up this book. I think I was like - Sci-Fi theme! But I didn’t pay any attention to the fact that everything is couched in the archetype of Cinderella.

Its a romance novel. Its cute. Its totally palatable. Its nerdy af. I didn’t hate it. I just kinda low-key hated myself for picking a romance novel. BUT! I enjoyed it. And it was honestly great timing for me.

I was re-reading Red Rising at the same time as this book and that series is not good to listen to before bed oftentimes. So this was my pre-bed wind-down novel for a couple weeks. For that, it was good.

Definitely a bit of young adult fiction. It was a fun take on Cinderella. I didn’t love the heroine because she was annoyingly in damsel-in-distress mode for most of the book but that IS Cinderella so there’s only so much I can say to complain. I did, however, like the Prince Charming and The Fairy Godmother and even one of the Evil Step-Sisters.

It didn’t suck. Its LGBTQ-friendly despite the main story being cis-het. There are plenty of nice things to be said about it. Not my typical fare but doesn’t mean you won’t like it.

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Morning Star

By: Pierce Brown

I’m going to quickly give you my take on this, solo, and then as promised in last month’s installment, I will circle back and deal with the first three books as a trilogy.

I read this 2x in quick succession along with the first two books of this series. Why? They are that good. As a third book goes, this was a satisfying ending to the first trilogy in this series.

The first time through, I stopped. I actually had no intention of reading any more of the series for a while but Matt is reading it with me so I have the courage to continue because I can vent to someone when needed.

I’ll get into that more just below. But yeah. This book was great just like the first two.

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Red Rising Books 1-3

By: Pierce Brown

Conversion experience. Love. Best Friends. My judgement is clouded y’all. I can’t help but write this like a true Stan. But you probably knew that already from the fact that I read these and then immediately read them again.

But if you will, let me please go into some more detail about why I love these so much. Let’s go into list mode:

1. The characters. I know my Aquarius is showing when I say this but…sorry real-life humans, these are my best friends. :-/ I love Darrow and Sevro and Victra and Ragnar etc as if they were flesh and blood humans. Thinking of them gives me comfort and makes me feel less alone in this fucked up pandemic world of 2021. They are right up there with the crew of The Rocinante from The Expanse. They are flawed but their strengths are shining. They are serious and brooding but funny. They are strong but vulnerable. I love them. Sorry not sorry.

2. Balance. There are male and female badasses. There is hetero and homo love. There is action and philosophy. There is humor and tension. There is local scale and solar-system scale. All of the above and more leaves me really satisfied as a discerning reader.

3. Kick-Assness. Goddamn if Darrow isn’t the come -from-nothing badass to end all badasses. His character literally inspired me to pick up and start writing my own characters. Sometimes people call me a badass. I think that’s a very kind sentiment to bestow upon a person but to me, how could I ever be called that when someone like Darrow exists. Ok, yes. Darrow is a fictional character. I don’t care. He’s real to me and he is amazing…see above where I either want to be him, fuck him or be his best friend.

4. Interesting Premise. Yes, book one is not dissimilar to The Hunger Games but the scope expands and the comparisons fall away after Red Rising. What is left is the idea of superior humans, a conquering of regular humans and a caste society. Why is this interesting to me? Because its set in space and if you don’t think Bezos and Musk et. al. are cruising right toward establishing this sort of “society” you are not paying attention. There are some fanciful leaps of sci-fi in the series but they check out well enough for those who like a grounding in “reality.” But its the cultural context of this novel that really catches my attention as a real possibility of a dystopian future.

5. Beautiful writing. Brown is a fucking great writer. Someone compared his prose to Shakespeare. They aren’t wrong to do so. The philosophy in these books is presented as the musings of the narrator both aloud and as internal monologue. Brown covers a surprise amount of ground that way. Furthermore, the way he is able to overlay the philosophy onto the actions of the characters in a way that only serves to underscore their humanity is masterful. These are best-sellers for a reason. Pierce Brown bodied the fuck out of these. I’m as much a fan of the man as a writer as I am of his characters. If you ever read this my Goodman, thank you.

6. Fandom. The Fandom for this series only makes reading the books that much more enjoyable. Its a bloodydamn culture. The initiated know, you can steep yourself as fully into the culture of a Gold, a Howler, an Obsidian as you can with any of the cultures of being a real life human. The genius is of course there is enough borrowed from real-life human culture to take what is given to you in the books and expand upon it as much as you want. Its fun. Its the reason I had to press-gang Matt into reading these books, too. They are even better when you can share them with others.

Ok \list.

Why did I stop at Book 3? Darrow is a hero, a god of war, a very interesting human, not without flaw. His flaws deepen as his decisions get ethically murky. No blame from me, here. I am, however, apprehensive to see him fall from glory. Not saying that is what will happen but the next trilogy in the series is ten years hence from when these books ended. Virginia, Darrow and retinue have built up a Republic in place of The Society and shit is not going smoothly. That seems rife with the potential of Darrow being sullied as one of my all time favorites. Second and no less importantly, this is were Brown undertakes to solve the political issues that have plagued humanity since we first got our silly little consciousnesses bent on the idea of organizing and governing one another. At this point in the series (and irl) autocracy, fascism, socialism, democracy etc have all been given a go and not quite panned out. I just have a feeling that much of the tension and turmoil as yet to come in the series is going to be a mirror of humanity in its current state and I needed a break before tackling that in there literally realm since its ubiquitous on social and in face-to-face convos.

Y’all. I wasn’t expecting this level of falling in love when I picked these books up. It was a whim. It was me being anal retentive about telling someone 5 years ago that I would read them and finally following through. I take my promises to read things very seriously. I’ve been rewarded time and again but never before like this. Shannon, thanks a million for the recommendation. Allow me to pass the rec onward a million times into the future.

June Book Drop

When I started writing book reviews, I didn't have the foresight to realize I might one day need to indicate the year to which each post belongs. As I approach this fifth Book Drop installment, I realize keeping my website up-to-date and regularly sharing on this platform has become a habit. I enjoy it and hope that one day more people interact with me on here vs. social media. Lately, I have spoken to more and more friends who are fatigued, or just plain done, with social. Social media is flashy. By its flashy nature, it is not intended to keep our attention. I’m surprised things like Instagram have had the longevity they have enjoyed. I mean, they have a place and can be fun and even useful at times, but I don’t think the place for social media is at the centerpiece of a full and actualized human life.

I took a little break from writing weekly because the previous two posts required a big effort to research and write. I’m using this post as a palette cleanse. I managed to read another 11 books this month. I was excited about a few in particular (noted below). If you’re keeping tabs, I've read 11 books per month this year with a running total of 66 books. Is that a humble brag? Maybe a little. Moreso, let this encourage you to get off social, turn off your screens, and embrace literature. For me, listening to audiobooks has made it possible to be an artist, athlete, entrepreneur, mom, and foreign-language student while maintaining a high volume of reading.

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Jakes Quest For The Five Stones

By: Hanit Benbassat

This was not a great book. The thought behind the book was nice enough. The world-building was meager. The characterization was lacking. The sound design was distracting. There was absolutely NO nuance to the subject matter. I will have a little grace and say, it is a book meant for children so perhaps there is some benefit to being blunt. It felt terribly rushed. And that was all before I listened to the epilogue wherein the author tries to pass Atlantis off as having been a real place where people could manipulate energy and matter with the use of crystals 😩. I would recommend skipping this book entirely.

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Temple Grandin

By: Sy Montgomery

I learned some things about Temple Grandin. Her story is definitely interesting. I wanted to dig a little deeper into books exploring neurodiversity. I’m not sure I loved that this book was written by someone else about Temple. Temple has written books of her own so I think, in the future, if I decide to read about her in greater detail I will choose one of those. This book was a good jump off point for getting the basic understanding of who TG is and what she has done in her life to make her stand out. Not a waste of time but I wasn’t super pumped about it by the time I was done.

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The Mystickwick School of Musicraft

By: Jessica Koury

This was a good one! In fact, this is the second time Vor and I read this book. It definitely is giving Harry Potter vibes as far as the magical school is concerned but its it’s own book for sure. The characters deal with loss, failure and social dynamics. There are satisfying obstacles the main characters have to overcome. There’s an implied diversity to the cast of characters. There’s enough drama and resolution to be satisfying but there are some mysteries as yet unsolved so Vor and I both want another installment.

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The Doors of Eden

By: Adrian Tchaikovsky

This book started as a mystery/disappearance novel. The scope then started to expand and bloom. The past ramped up significantly from the beginning to the middle. And before I knew it I was careening toward the end. There were no dull moments for me. I was happy to gain some insight into the author’s worldview. He incorporates vibrant and convincing LGBTQ main characters and takes some time to skewer bigotry in a way that is clearly pointed at real-world archetypes. If you enjoy Tchaikovsky’s other works of biological sci-fi or like the lore of cryptid-hunting and want a mind-bending twist, you will enjoy this book for sure.

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Camp Cacophony

By: Jessica Khoury

This book was released this month in the “included” catalog for Audible which is why we re-read The Mysticwick School of Musicraft. In the process of writing these reviews I discovered the sequel Vor and I were hoping for has been released as well. This is a prequel. It is a perfect little snack of a book. It is nice and consistent with the vibe of the original and is a nice way to get some more details on the life of our heroine. If you read and enjoy the first Mystwick book I recommend you check this out as well.

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The World’s Strongest Librarian

By: Josh Hanagarne

I liked this dude immediately. He is your ever-sensible, metal-loving, always-sardonic, frequently-irreverent dude-friend from high school or college. If you didn’t have one of those, I suggest you find the nearest middle-aged dude in a Black Flag shirt and interview them for the position immediately. Your life will be improved with laughs and refreshingly non-toxic masculinity.

I think we sometimes shy away from listening to neurodivergent or disabled people because of how painful it is to imagine ourselves on the receiving end of the social bullshit they often have to wade through. Furthermore, empathizing with the physicality of such things is not the easiest thing for able-bodied people in our culture. It takes a will to self-teach in order to gain the perspective and compassion to not suck at empathy in general and specifically for the aforementioned communities.

Books like this are important because they allow readers from all communities insights that, one hopes, will engender the kind of empathy discussed above. Its easy to follow Josh from a child to an adult. Its easy to envision him as your friend or brother. It is therefor less difficult to imagine the terror of feeling no control of your body. It is easy to envision yourself, as a parent, worried for the well-being your child who may have inherited one of your less-desirable traits.

This is a great, approachable and relatable read. File it under memoirs and definitely check it out at some point.

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Unspoken: A Memoir

By: Luke Daniels

I knew this book was going to rip my heart out. But I also fully trusted the author. Luke Daniels is the narrator of many of Vor and my favorite books. You can tell from the way he handles characterization and the subject matter he gravitates toward that he is a man that knows his way around a story - even a tragic and personal story like the loss of a small child.

I wasn’t wrong to trust him. I also wasn’t wrong about how heart-breaking this story is. Despite the utter tragedy of this story, Luke guides you through steadily and knowingly. He provides levity without making light. He takes pause for breath in the way only a consummate professional knows how to do.

I don’t even know the man personally but I’m proud of him. We need to share our humanity with one another. This book is a triumph to that end.

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Red Rising

By: Pierce Brown

My Gawd. I loved this. Not too long ago but before I started writing reviews, I read The Owner Trilogy by Neil Asher. I’m going to draw a couple similarities. Here they are: lots of action, sci-fi, space, very-masculine main character, a grudge against the ruling caste. One can also draw some similarities between this book and The Hunger Games. There are those on the internet that would have me feel basic for liking this book. I dunno, man. First of all, I’m listening to it and Tim Gerard Reynolds is a fucking boss of a narrator. He bodies the fuck out of this. Darrow veritably jumps out of the headphones and into real life the way this guy reads. For that alone, its a masterpiece. But I will take a moment to give some credit to Pierce Brown, too.

Hyper-masculine, though he is, Darrow is a complex character. Furthermore, the way in which his perspective his shared through Brown’s writing is nuanced. This is a first person narration but at times Darrow is unreliable. He is honest with himself in layers and thus, as the reader, you don’t get all of his intention up front. This style of writing keeps things interesting. I’ll also take a moment to acknowledge that I am an Aries moon and rising sign. I identify with Darrow - with his quick temper and aggression. I’ve tempered these traits of mine over the years and learned nuance but I would most certainly be in House Mars if I were in this book. So, there’s that.

Shout out to Shannon who recommended these books to me in 2017. I finally got around to them. This book is not without major losses from start to finish but the end was very satisfying. I’m looking forward to the rest of the series.

I have more thoughts that veer away from review and more toward speculation and philosophy. I love when a book sends my mind on tangents that get incorporated into my worldview.

RIYL the two series listed above and ASOIF but without the pomposity and 1000 POVs.

SIDENOTE: I almost always read things people recommend to me. Put them in the comments if you want to be my reading bestie.

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The Other Animals

By: Rachel Hamburg

The purpose behind this book is very cool. Again, this heads into the territory of mental health and neurodivergence. If you don’t like short-stories you might want to skip this one. That is not my preferred genre but this looked like one of the better offerings in the Audible “included” catalog so I decided to give it a go.

Some of the stories were better than others but they were all enjoyable to me. I will admit that the slightly morbid thread and animal themes tying all the stories together reminded me heavily of one of my friends (also a writer), Seth Meeks. Seth is one of the few people who revels in diction and will discuss word-choice with me ad nauseam. Something that reminds me of Seth is going to get high marks by default.

With Seth as my guiding beacon for this book the two stories that I liked the most are: Death and Company about a trio of vultures and Rectangles the story of a crow attempting to decipher the human ritual of burying rectangles in the ground.

If you enjoy breaking from run-of-the-mill perspectives you will likely find this book worth your time.

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Arlo Finch in the Valley of Fire

By: John August

YEEEEEEES!!! Vor and I both LOVED this book. What great world building! This guy is a screen-writer and it shows. This book could easily be converted to screen. It is so easy to get wrapped up in this story. Arlo and the scouts are the perfect vehicle to teach life lessons to kids. I think Vor may be a little ahead of the game as far as listening comprehension goes since we have been doing reading and audiobooks in tandem for so long already but I would say the sweet spot is going to be readers/listeners from ages 7-10. And also 36-year-olds.

You get: encouragement to love nature, a push to find wonder in nature, guidelines for being a decent human being that are easy to discuss with young children, action, danger, magic and mystery.

A perfect kids’ adventure novel!

Hyperion: Cantos #1

By: Dan Simmons

Fun fact: I get it from my mama! Yes, my mom has been reading sci-fi since the early 70s. She’s the first person to put a sci-fi book in my hand. She and I still regularly share book recs and reading lists. This be one of them! I can remember being freaked out by the cover of this book my entire childhood! I probably would never have read it for that fact but Matt picked it out and I love sharing reads with him so I went for it.

It was likened by one reviewer to the Canterbury Tales. Its not an obvious comparison but its there. Unsettling at times, the diversity of characterization that you get from one story-line to the next is impressive. The book is a vice, tightening slowly toward the inevitability of The Shrike.

Not my favorite by a long-shot but a worthwhile and well-written read. The story is not at all wrapped-up in the first book so I will refrain from further commentary until reading onward!